

技术文章 6508℃


模块ID        模块功能描述
 00 = SA defect list
 01 = Drive Information File
 02 = Performance Parameter File
 03 = P-List
 04 = SAP (Servo Adaptive Parameters)
 05 = Manufacturing Information File
 06 = RAP (Read Adaptive Parameters)
 07 = CAP (Controller Adaptive Parameters)
 08 = unknown purpose
 09 = SMART config (filled with a pattern)
 0A = SMART Frame
 0B = unknown purpose, filled with a pattern
 0C = Self Scan Log
 0D = unknown purpose, filled with a pattern
 0E = DIC (Data Integrity Check), HEAD 0
 0F = DIC Dummy File
 13 = disk registry(configuration settings, Security)
 15 = offline surface self-test file (DOS)
 16 = unknown purpose
 17 = unknown purpose, filled with a pattern
 19 = unknown purpose, some log
 1A = unknown purpose, filled with a pattern
 1B = unknown purpose, some log
 1C = unknown purpose, filled with a pattern
 1D = overlay 0
 1E = overlay 1
 1F = unknown purpose, filled with a pattern
 22 = surface self-test file, head 0
 23 = surface self-test file, head 1
 24 = surface self-test file, head 2
 25 = surface self-test file, head 3
 26 = surface self-test file, head 4
 27 = surface self-test file, head 5
 28 = surface self-test file, head 6
 29 = surface self-test file, head 7
 2A = Saved Mode Pages – HDD settings
 2B = RW operations, translator
 2C = DIC (Data Integrity Check), HEAD 1, pattern
 2D = DIC (Data Integrity Check), HEAD 2, pattern
 2E = DIC (Data Integrity Check), HEAD 3, pattern
 2F = DIC (Data Integrity Check), HEAD 4, pattern
 30 = DIC (Data Integrity Check), HEAD 5, pattern
 31 = DIC (Data Integrity Check), HEAD 6, pattern
 32 = DIC (Data Integrity Check), HEAD 7, pattern
 33 = FDE service file
 34 = packed CONGEN structure descriptor
 35 = SMART


FILE_3_01A_0 = ~0001.rpm ——  Drive Information File
FILE_3_019_0 = ~0002.rpm —— Performance Parameter File
FILE_3_01B_0 = ~0003.rpm —— P-List
FILE_3_03F_0 = ~0004.rpm —— SAP (Servo Adaptive Parameters)
FILE_3_300_0 = ~0005.rpm —— Manufacturing Information File
FILE_3_001_0 = ~0006.rpm —— RAP (Read Adaptive Parameters)
FILE_3_208_0 = ~0007.rpm —— CAP (Controller Adaptive Parameters)
FILE_3_31B_0 = ~0008.rpm —— unknown purpose
FILE_3_133_0 = ~0009.rpm —— SMART config (filled with a pattern)
FILE_3_134_0 = ~000A.rpm —— SMART Frame
FILE_3_319_0 = ~000C.rpm —— Self Scan Log
FILE_3_30A_0 = ~0013.rpm —— disk registry(configuration settings, Security)
FILE_3_306_0 = ~0015.rpm —— offline surface self-test file (DOS)
FILE_3_115_0 = ~0019.rpm —— unknown purpose, some log
FILE_3_131_0 = ~001A.rpm —— unknown purpose, filled with a pattern
FILE_3_301_0 = ~001B.rpm —— unknown purpose, some log
FILE_3_110_0 = ~001C.rpm —— unknown purpose, filled with a pattern
FILE_3_100_0 = ~001D.rpm —— overlay 0
FILE_3_101_0 = ~001E.rpm —— overlay 1
FILE_3_093_0 = ~002A.rpm —— Saved Mode Pages – HDD settings
FILE_3_028_0 = ~002B.rpm —— RW operations, translator
FILE_3_32C_0 = ~0034.rpm —— packed CONGEN structure descriptor
FILE_3_135_0 = ~0035.rpm —— SMART

转载请注明:成都千喜数据恢复中心 » 希捷硬盘F3家族系列模块和系统文件对照表

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