

技术文章 4816℃

How to remove password manually:

1) Unscrew PCB from HDA

2) Connect PCB to utility, wait while DRD and DSC will light up, run utility, choose “PCB only” and “Tech Key detection”
连接PCB到实用程序,等候DRD DSC准备好, 运行实用程序,选 只是PCB 和发现KEY

3) Choose “Editing NV-RAM”, to pair first and second head, as a result it will looks like this: “00 00 0F 0F 0F 0F 0F 0F 0F 0F”
选编辑NV-RAM 把磁头地图改成00 00.

4) Turn power off and exit from utility
关闭电源 退出程序

5) Screw PCB back to HDA

6) Wait while DRD and DSC will light up, run utility, mak “Tech key detection” if necessary.
等侯准备好 DRD DSC 2个灯,运行程序,发现KEY,

7) Go to Tools -> Utility extensions -> Modules table, choose SECI module. Save original module and then rewrite it with attached module.
到实用程序打开模块表,选 SECI 保存它和找一个相同盘的好模块重写SECI

8) Return the original head map by Editing NV-RAM.
反回原始的磁头地图 从编辑NV-RAM

9) Turn power off, reopen utility. Try to access sectors. If they are available, seems like you are ready to get user data.

转载请注明:成都千喜数据恢复中心 » 日立ARM硬盘解密

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