
使用PC-3000 处理希捷硬盘”No HOST FIS-ReadyStatusFlags”错误的数据恢复

One of the most popular problem with Seagate F3 drives is problem with Translator.

In this video we would like to show you how to fix “No HOST FIS-ReadyStatusFlags“ error.
在这里我们向您展示如何修复”No HOST FIS-ReadyStatusFlags”错误,并继续此硬盘数据恢复的工作。

We have a drive that remains in Busy state and not recognize in utility.

First of all we need to determine what a problem exactly.

Let’s open utility forced and switch on the power supply.

Take a look on the terminal report.

As we can see drive have few error messages that allow us to understand a problem:

SIM ERROR 3005 (mean that “format corrupted flag” in on and Translator is not loaded in RAM)
“No HOST FIS-ReadyStatusFlags” (reason message: why translator is not loaded).
SIM ERROR 3005 (内存没有”format corrupted flag”,编译模块没有加载到RAM)
“No HOST FIS-ReadyStatusFlags“(原因消息︰ 为什么编译模块没有被加载。)

Such behavior could be if drive have problem with:
如果这种情况驱动器问题可能是 ︰
– Translator 编译器
– Service area 服务区
– Heads issue 头问题
– PCB issue PCB损坏

But in this case we know that this is Translator issue (SIM ERROR 3005)
但在这种情况下,我们知道这是编译模块的问题 (SIM ERROR 3005)

Let’s make a backup of critical Sys Files and try to regenerate translator.
让我们制作一个Sys Files备份并尝试重新生成编译 regenerate translator。到此可以访问用户扇区,此块希捷硬盘数据恢复的工作完成



转载请注明:成都千喜数据恢复中心 » 使用PC-3000 处理希捷硬盘”No HOST FIS-ReadyStatusFlags”错误的数据恢复

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    kk6012017-09-26 16:02
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