In situation when drive doesn’t rotate some of our users believe that it’s definetely a problem with heads. But to make a right conclusion you need to firstly check SATA status register.
There is a feature called a Power-up in standby (PUIS). It prevents the drive from automatic spinup when power is applied.
PUIS feature made for prevent the excessive power-consumption. As you may know, spin up is the highest power draw of all of the different operating states of a hard disk drive. In systems with a lot of HDD installed automatic spinup may result in a power shortage.
这就是为什么工程师根据PUIS功能创建交错旋转(SSU) 过程的原因 。此过程通常每次启动一个驱动器,要么等待驱动器发出信号,否则在开始下一个驱动器之前允许预定义的时间段通过。
That’s why engineers created Staggered Spin-up (SSU) procedure, based on PUIS feature. This procedure typically starts one drive at a time, either waiting for the drive to signal it is ready or allowing a predefined period of time to pass before starting the next drive.
So PUIS feature and SSU procedure allow to use more cost-effective power supplies in multi-drives systems. You can check more details about PUIS and SSU in the SATA Specifications Standards.
具有PUIS功能的驱动器型号示例:日立HCC543225A7A380,日立HCC543216L9SA00,带有ES13 FW等的ST3320311CS
Examples of drive models with PUIS feature: Hitachi HCC543225A7A380, Hitachi HCC543216L9SA00, ST3320311CS with ES13 FW etc.
如果您看到该驱动器正在准备就绪非常快(约1秒钟),而不是SSHD – 最有可能您遇到了交错的旋转驱动器。有些用户也可能会感到困惑,当您将这样的驱动器插入主板时,它会旋转,但是当插入PC-3000时,它不会旋转。
If you see that drive is going ready very fast (about 1 second) and it’s not a SSHD – most probably you faced with staggered spin-up drive. Some users also may be confused that when you plug such drive to motherboard – it rotates, but when plug to PC-3000 it doesn’t rotate.
Fortunately, it’s very easy to spin up the drive via PC-3000, it’s done by one click:
If you will get ABR in result – it means that drive doesn’t support PUIS feature.
Also, if you want you can disable PUIS feature and drive will spin up automatically after power is applied: