
Flash Extractor用户手册-手工修改电源模块

Manual power mods

为了避免出现错误信息“ 未找到自动电源芯片 ”,可以删除配置中的“电源”字段,手动设置电源修改
To avoid error message “auto power chip not found” you can erase “Power” field in config and set power modification manually


Remove after read!

Power = 1/0x0024

Connect pins 34, 39 to 37 (+3.3v)

Modification 1

将触点24连接到触点12(+ 3.3V)
connect contact 24 to contact 12 (+3.3V)

Remove after read finish!

Result 结果:

Approximate list of chip require power mod

29F32G08AAM02      89 d7 94 3e  24_12
29F32G08JAMDB      89 68 04 46  39_34_37
29F64GO8CAMDA      89 68 24 46  39_34_37
29F64G08CAMDB      89 68 04 46  39_34_37
29F16B08JAMDB      89 68 04 46  39_34_37
29F64G08FAMCI      89 68 04 46  39_34_37
29F64G08AAMEI      89 88 24 4b  39_34_37
29F32G08AAMEI      89 68 24 46  39_34_37
FZBW29F32G08CBACA  2C 68 04 46  39_34_37 and 24_12
HY27UBG8T2ATR      ad d7 94 9a  39_34_37
FQ64G08UCT1-24     98 d7 99 b2  24_12
TH58NVG6T2ETA20    98 d7 98 b2  24_12
TH58NVG5T2ETA20    98 d5 98 b2  24_12
TF14G3GADA         98 d5 98 b2  24_12

39_34_37 example 

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